Sunday 27 August 2006

Olly Olly Oxen Free!

Also known as "Home free!" Which I am.

Some of the more astute readers may have noticed that I managed to get a few comments up and responded to while I was away. I did not perform any miracles, the keyboard came back. Just like the cat. (Which meowed at my door when I locked him out. That cat and I have a polite dislike of each other. He begs me to pet him... then he bites me when I do. I don't like him. I put up with him because my friend really seems to like him. And is keeping him. It's a good thing she has a dog I adore.)

I also got a phone call just before I left on Friday informing me that I was being transferred to a new branch of our office and my panicked whimpering at my friends for "AccesstomyworkemailaccountpleasepleaseIneedtheinternet" actually turned into a "Hurray!Ihavecomments!" moment (Or four! You people rock!)

So, I'm back. Had a lovely time. Managed to not panic about work for several hours at a time. Yay me. And no, this is not going to turn into a work blog. For many many reasons.* But, my posts could become less frequent as I find all sorts of ways to stress out about change and new things and change. And.. did I mention not liking change? Or new things? Yeah.

So.... hi. I'm back. Let's distract me by thinking up stories I can tell about boys.. and men... and cute guys.. and stuff. Okay? Okay!

Oh, and by the way. I'm totally relying on you people to let me know if my links are ever broken. Cuz I'm not as web savvy as I might like to think I am. So tell me if they don't work kay? Just like I'd expect you to tell me if I had lettuce stuck between my teeth. Or Oreos. Those things get all over your teeth and good eh?

*Another reason is that me blogging about my work would be terrifically boring. Unless we get that cute temp to cover for me while I'm moving or something. Let's all cross our fingers for cute temps. Ooooh, or cute staff at my new location! That'd make it all worthwhile no?

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