Sunday 13 August 2006

To the Guy Outside Darcy's a Few Weeks Back

Hey buddy,

My friend thought you were really cute. Reaaaaaaaalllly cute.

So cute, she was working on another drink to get the courage up to talk to you. She was saying that she'd totally sleep with you.

And then?

You pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lit one up, and started smoking.

And that was it. Over. Done. She no longer wanted to meet you or date you or sleep with you.

See, the thing is, the intelligent, gorgeous, awesome, single women I know? They wouldn't date a smoker.

Neither would I.

So, buddy... quit smoking.

You'll get more chicks.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with this! I dated a smocker once and he stunk. Never again.

Victoria said...

Yeah, it's no good : )

Anonymous said...

Just curious, does it make a difference to you if he's a pot-smoker?

Victoria said...

It's even more of a turn-off I think.