Monday 28 August 2006

With Thanks to Tanqueray

Sometimes I wonder how many relationships would never start if alcohol was not involved. How many people wouldn't get the guts up to flirt or ask for a number or relax on a date if there was no glass of wine or gin and tonic? Did that sentence even make sense? What's with all the double negatives?

Maybe it's because I tend to be shy at first. Maybe it's different for naturally gregarious folks. And it's not that I don't enjoy the company of others, it's just that when you're with someone who's made a point of taking you out to get to know you . . . well, that can feel like a lot of pressure. And if you add to that my turn-into-a-dork / over-think-everything tendencies around guys? I can count on one hand the number of first dates I've had that never became second dates... All were alcohol free. I'm not 100% sure why. But I have my suspicions.

This might not have boded well for me a few years ago when being in a relationship really mattered. Now, though, I'm more likely to be able to meet and talk with a guy without feeling like it's going to be the end of the world if he doesn't ask me out again. I don't need a drink anymore. My sponsor told me so.*

*I'm kidding! **


Disclaimer: Please drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive. Underage drinking is way not cool. Don't sleep with someone you don't know when you've been drinking. And, in no way am I suggesting that you should drink before or during dates just because you're shy. Drinking is the devil's work and very bad for you. (There now, have I covered my ass legally or what?)

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