Saturday 23 September 2006


Thank goodness it's Saturday. I needed this one. Will probably need all of the next Saturdays and Sundays and holidays for a while.

This Saturday broke clear and crisp and about as perfect as a September Saturday can be. I hope you're enjoying yours just as much.

Not a lot to say, so check out the archives if you need something to read.

Have a good weekend. I'll see you Monday, if not sooner. My couch is calling to be napped on.

Go hug someone you love. Call someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Go spread some love, people.


Slinger said...

Bored, so you decide to spread the love? Very nice. Rained in Chicago on Saturday, but today is BEAUTIFUL! Sunny and 68. Went out and took some photos, so may have them on my flickr site soon.

Victoria said...

I'm so tempted to get out there and take some photos today. I've run all my errands and just need to clean my apartment and then maybe I can!
I'll be checking out yer flickr soon :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of photos, I was wondering what type of camera you have. You always have such great shots, partially because you have a great eye, but they are also wonderfully vivid and clear pictures. :)

Victoria said...

Well, thank you Likalia! That's a super nice thing to hear : )

I really like my camera. After a lot of debating a couple of years ago I wanted to "go digital" (savings on development was a biggie for me). I wanted a Nikon D70 but just couldn't afford it. So my camera is almost an SLR. It imitates a lot of the things an SLR can do without actually having the features. ( Which I don't really know how to use anyway!) So my camera doesn't let me manually focus and I miss that from my old SLR but it really does take vivid, clear pictures, especially in good light (outdoors, sun, etc.)

Before I babble on too much, it's a Fujifilm S500 "FinePix". It's not a huge brand name or anything but it was in my price-range (well, close anyway..hee) and had some optical zoom and stuff.

Yeah. So, there you go! My little (practically) no-name camera does just fine ; )

Anonymous said...

Since I can't find that camera, I will assume it is similar to something I looked at(the 5200?). Either way Fujifilm makes nice little cameras. I just bought an Olympus E-500, which I am in love with, but slightly intimidated by also. It is a definite step up from my old time SLR, so many options at your fingertips. At the moment I haven't gone past the presets. :) I'm still deciding if I want to be the girl with the camera and carry it all the time or not, or maybe find a nice little point and shoot to carry all the time. (ok enough rambling)

Victoria said...

That's kind of where I am at too, actually. I'm wanting a small digital to carry with me all the time (stick in jacket, bag, etc) because I don't always take my big camera with me places but wish I had it :)