Tuesday 10 October 2006

It's a Train Wreck up in My Brain Sometimes

I met a guy this week. Well no, I didn't "meet a guy" meet a guy, I just met a guy. I'd vaguely met* him a couple of times before. A "he knows someone I know" kind of thing, but I hadn't had an opportunity to talk to him until just recently. He was funny and nice and fun (which is different than funny, by the way). And yeah. End of story right?

Well, here's where my brain decides that end of story isn't good enough.

CSI: In My Brain: Episode 3422

Exhibit A: Seemingly decent male humanoid.
Exhibit B: Yours truly.
Exhibits C through W: Yours truly wondering if SDMH might be interested and if he is would I be interested back and if he's not interested am I upset or do I just not care at all and if I don't care why don't I when there's nothing wrong with him except maybe his hands seemed a little chubby but that doesn't matter because he was nice and why am I all of a sudden wondering all this anyway?

Program cancelled due to everyone realizing it's just a repeat of the last three thousand episodes.

At least now I'm able to recognize the brain melt as it happens, but I still find it curious. Why all the fuss? Why do I care if he's single or not? Why am I curious to see if he might get my number? Why am I even thinking about it at all?

I guess when you're single, even if you're not actively looking, you're still "single" and that entails a certain mindset.

Like, I may not need to buy more toilet paper right this moment because I'm not out of it, but if I find my favourite brand on sale I'll go ahead and get some anyway. Is it like that? I don't know.

Maybe the guys out there should just be aware that even if a girl isn't actively flirting with you (whatever that's supposed to look like!) her brain may still be checking you out. Like a roll of toilet paper on Manager's Special.

Or something a little more romantic.

*Shakes head at self*

*By the way, if you're wondering how you can "vaguely meet" someone? It's when someone says "This is my buddy Jack" and you nod and shake their hand and go back to talking to your neighbour about the game or whatever it was. And then maybe the next time you see them and are re-introduced you say "Yeah, I think I've met you before." And then the third time you say "Jack, yeah, we've met." But really you're just being polite.


Slinger said...

Wow, you rbrain is working overtime huh?

"Like a roll of toilet paper on Manager's Special." Classic! LOL

Anonymous said...

Found your blog today. Read your archives, all of it. I love it.

Anonymous said...

It is funny how analytical we can get about these things, singles in general, men or women. Though I think women do so more than men. We drive ourselves crazy with a myriad of questions designed to do what? Do we get anywhere at the end of it all? Not really, mostly just a headache.

I like your comparison to buying toilet paper on sale, it works so well. We do the preplanning, just in case this guy might be interested I better figure out if I am. Who cares that you’ve only exchanged greetings.

Perhaps just more proof that women can be too cerebral about some things. :)

Unknown said...

Well I know I don't know you hardly at all, but I recently met someone and it happened because I basically said "screw it, I'm done" to the whole trying to find someone thing. Literally three weeks after my whole "I don't want to date, don't want to have nothing to do with any of it" and I met the most amazing girl.
But, that could also be luck or fate or whatever you want to call it.
You also have to consider this, since I am a guy and can tell you from experience, guys are stupid. We are. We can't read women at all, even the obvious hints sometimes. At least that's the case with me. I never really know if someone likes me til they just flat out say it. I'm that dense when it comes to the whole girl thing.

But, despite that, just hang in there, one guy will come along that is less stupid than the rest...or he'll trip and land on you and then you'll have met a guy through a stupid event based on the stupidity of the male genders' inability to walk without tripping...yeah...

Victoria said...

Slinger: yeah.. overtime indeed. It works overtime on lots of other things too (why is my car going vrewwwweee eeweeeweee in the mornings?) not just boy stuff! ; )

Victoria said...

Hi Emma! Welcome and glad you like it... uh.. me.. uh.. this.. uh... stuff!

I love reading archives of new blogs I find, it's the bestest! : )

Victoria said...

likalia: it's all about the pre-planning isn't it? lol

It's finding the balance between cerebral over thinking and pre-planning and the... non-cerebral, woo hoo he's hot and i want to smooch him a lot right NOW!


Victoria said...

s.m.d: : D
Awesome, awesome, awesome that you've met an amazing girl! Just.. yay!
And yep, I keep hearing about the whole "I quit, no seriously" and then along comes the perfect person.
I guess I'm maybe only 98% convinced that I don't want to be with someone right now and the 2% is holding back the universe :)
But, I also believe in timing and luck or fate or whatever it is and that'll kick in when it's time, for sure.

I dont know what to say about the whole "guys are dumb thing". I've been told it enough to fully believe it. But then I've also been told that if a guy really likes a girl he'll let her know. So .. I dunno. I have, a few times, flat out told a guy that I like him. It's usually resulted in a very awkward silence and then the poor guy finding reasons to avoid me! lol. Nah, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but generally it hasn't worked well for me with the whole "just tell him" approach.

And, most of all smd, I love your advice to just sit and wait it out. I can totally see myself meeting a guy due to the fact that he tripped over me or I tripped him accidentally or I spilled something on him which caused him to twist his ankle or something. Yep.

So, thanks!

ps. Sometimes I can't walk too goodly either! ; )

Michael Colvin said...

I met my guy when I was drunk in a bar. He was being friendly and I was rude back...So naturally we are still together twenty years later.

Sometimes you have to just throw out the rule book.

Victoria said...

that's just awesome :D

dilling said...

has there ever been a csi that was cancelled? i don't think so!!! keep going...

Victoria said...

LOL. Well dilling, I'll keep going just for you! ;)