Friday 1 December 2006

Danger, Danger!

Today, I'm home again, recovering on the couch and flicking through blogs I haven't had the time for lately.

On Miss Zoot's recommendation, I'm reading through this gal's NaBloPoMo posts about her relationship with her husband. Not an easy time for her, but an engaging read.

The thing that's scaring me, though, is the strong urge I'm now having to call up my ex. To call him up and try to relive the good parts. (Having, for this moment, conveniently forgotten the completely stinky parts.)

This, ladies, is why you must delete his phone number. I couldn't call him if I wanted to. Can't. Rememer. His. Number. Probably better that way, especially considering this was the last time I heard from him. Someone remind me why I'd want to talk to him again?

It's hard though. Mind v/s heart v/s reality v/s what *could* have been and all that.

To do:

Write Lines: I will not think warm thoughts about the ex. ( copy out 100 times )


danish said...

It is tortuous indeed, to think about these things. It's a bit self destructive, isn't it? I would be nice if the conversations had with exes would go as they do in our heads, but... they rarely do, and usually end in disappointment.

Though, I gotta give you props for deleting his number at all. I mean... I keep all mine and make the excuse of "Well... uh... what if I need it for an emergency or something?!"


Victoria said...

It's easy to be all self-destructive sometimes eh?

And, yeah, I usually end up deleting the numbers eventually. You know, after too many tortuous moments of "OOOH, I want to call him so much because I (miss him) (am drunk) (would take him back) (am lonely) (etc.)" Now at least if I want to call an ex I ... can't.