Wednesday 20 December 2006

Giving Notice In Advance

Please excuse any lack of posting you might encounter in the next week or so.

We're having Christmas over here on the Island this year and family is starting to head over. Specifically, my poor brother and his family who are escaping from North Vancouver where they've had a month that's included a "boil water" advisory,a cold snap, a road closing,tree breaking snow storm and lastly, a multi-day power outage.

I'm not saying I won't be posting... just that if I don't, you know where I am: stealing Christmas goodies from my Mom's freezer while she's not looking!

PS. I meant to post this last night but fell asleep first. So the date's from last night even though TEEEEEEECHNICALLY I'm posting it this morning.


Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good time with your family. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Do you watch SCRUBS? because I totally can hear you talking like Dr. Cox when you typed that.

Anonymous said...

have fun...enjoy all those treats...

Victoria said...

I will Tod. Merry Christmas to you too!

Slinger, I do watch Scrubs. It cracks me up : ) So do you see me making Dr. Cox faces too? Seeeee-eee-heeeriously?

Dilling, I had so many treats at work today that I couldn't even eat my lunch! I came home and attacked some fruit just so my body could feel slightly normal again! no. more. treats.

(no more today, anyway!)