Monday 5 November 2007

Some Advice For You

If, my friends, you have an appointment at the Dentist at 11:50, please keep in mind that there was a time change two nights ago, so you will find yourself very very hungry and very very unable to eat for fear of chompin on your own tongue at 2pm, which is really 3pm and maybe you should have had lunch before you left no?


dilling said...

Any excuse to be late for the dentist...oh were late for lunch? Ouch. How about a milkshake?

Victoria said...

I'm working on some ice cream now!

Yvonne said...

Plus when you attempt to eat while your mouth is partially frozen, you risk having food bits falling out. Unfortunately I know this from experience, and yes it was in public. lol

Victoria said...

Eeee hee hee! oh no!