Thursday 15 May 2008


I made a deal with a friend that we'd each give something up for a week that was hard to give up.

He said chocolate, I said "using the computers after 7:30 at night, AND sugar".

(Why I decided to be an over-achiever is beyond me.)

Giving up using the computer in the evenings has been really nice, actually... mellows out my brain. Means a few people wonder where I've been, but I think I may keep it up.

Giving up sugar, however? (Even though I'm supposed to anyway per Doctor's orders) IS FRIGGIN HARD!

Someone tell me this stuff's not addictive and I'll tell you all about my withdrawal symptoms and cravings and the fact that I may accidentally injure someone at work because I can't have my "first thing in the morning" candy or five.

The fact that I'm finding this so hard should be some indication to me that I's gots me a little problem with the sweet stuff.

Is there a Sugarholics Anonymous by any chance? Anyone want to be my sponsor?

Wait.... I don't think I want to quit!

Damn, it's worse than I thought.


dilling said...

no sugar? oh the humanity.....I will have to double up now.

lexiloo said...

theres always sugar free candy!

haha that stuff is a joke!

Victoria said...

Dilling, I'm drooling just thinking about you getting twice as much! ;)

Lexiloo, it is kinda "different" :)

Alexandra said...

I attempted to give up sugar, realized I cannot, concluded I have a problem and decided I can probably happily live with it for the rest of my life.
I'm no quitter.

Victoria said...

Alexandra, maybe I shouldn't be a quitter either! :)