Wednesday 8 October 2008

I'm Not Even Kidding

I don't remember if I mentioned it, but a while ago, my gym got a whole bunch of new equipment. And, I assume, sold off the old stuff.

But, still, I've stayed off of certain numbered treadmills. Just in case.

And now I'm glad that what might have been seen as superstition has proved itself as a necessary precaution!

See, last night at the gym? I was on treadmill #7. And there was a gentleman on a treadmill two away from me. And he stopped and started and stopped and then he swore and hit the treadmill and got off and moved to a new one.

And my brain did the math.

Two away from seven? IS FIVE!

It's baaaaaaaaaaack!

(Take all necessary precautions, my friends.)


Victoria said...

Duh duh duuuuuuuuuuh!

(that's dramatic music in case anyone was wondering)

Yamuna said...

Haha.. I'm still catching up.. But just wondering, do Treadmill #5's misdeeds continue into 2010? Or has it turned over a new leaf?

Victoria said...

Oh, I totally stay away from it, but it was "out of service" the other day so . . . duh duh duuuuuh! ;)

I haven't seen it picking on anyone lately, so maybe it's starting to reform?