Monday 29 December 2008

Um, Victoria?


You need to post.

I do?

You do.

Oh. But I have nothing to say. My brain's still on do-no-work mode!

Well, just tell them about the bacon grease incident.

No, I already had one of those a week or so ago, if I tell them I had another problem with bacon grease they're going to think I'm really crazy, and they already think I'm a little crazy.

Well, then tell them about the super awesome wind that's going on today.

I could, I guess, but I'd rather spend the time sorting through and uploading my photos in case the power goes out because, yeah, holy windy!

So then what are you going to say today?

I dunno. I guess just something about posts continuing to be light. Or sparse.

Or non existent?

No, I'll try, just not sure when the brain will get back into action.

Well, maybe if you'd stop watching back episodes of Project Runway?

Yeah. Maybe.


Anonymous said...

"Remember, kids, pigs are an excellent source of an important nutrient: Bacon grease" - Garfield, 1999 ;)

Victoria said...

Eee heee hee

Jenn O'Neil said...

I'm so glad I am not the only one who has these conversations with myself. By the way we have awesome wind happening today which means its all across the country....

Victoria said...

oooh, more wind! Yay! :)