Wednesday 17 December 2008

Will Be Missed

In the last book I read (stop reading now if you don't want to have plot points revealed), several characters die.

A couple of them were unexpected, and one hit me really hard. Seriously.

I didn't see it coming and I just didn't think the character wouldn't *not* be around for the whole story.

So, when it did happen, I just lay there in bed sobbing. As in, soak the pillow sobbing. I was so surprised by how sad I was by that character's death, and I still wish the author hadn't had him die.

Anything in a story ever affect you that way?


FB @ said...

Yes. I teared up when I read Anne Bishop's Books

dilling said...

absolutely....too many times to count.

Dugout Daisy said...

I love that book, and yes it made me sooo sad
So many times I'll get teary-eyed reading a book and get super upset and it will stay with me for awhile.

Victoria said...

FB, I don't know her, worth a read?

Dilling, sometimes when a book series is over I feel like I've lost a bunch of friends!

Daisy, it was Deets that got me. Not FAIR! *sniff*

Ms Behaviour said...

When JK Rowling killed off Dumbledore. I still haven't forgiven her.

Victoria said...

Oh EB, I so totally can't even admit that that happened!

Likalia said...

I always think it is a sign of a good author when I care enough about their characters to be sobbing when good or bad things happen to them.

Though it might also be a sign that I am too emotionally controlled in my day to day life and use fiction as an outlet.

Meh to the psychoanalytics, I'm sure it is the first. ;)

Anonymous said...

my sob moment is also harry potter, but it's in book 7 when harry decides to die, and all of his family comes back to comfort him and he just marches bravely to his death. i've read it like five times and STILL bawl every time!!

Yvonne said...

Oh yeah. I'm still devastated they killed off Mr. Eko on Lost. ;( Lord help those writers if they ever go after Des or Sawyer!

Victoria said...

Likalia, it's totally the first. Good author. *nodding* ;)

S, that JK pulls on our heart strings so cruelly!

Yvonne, I couldn't handle the Charlie loss. :(

Yvonne said...

ack, I'm still in denial about Charlie! ;(

Victoria said...

Charlie? No, he's just on another part of the island is all. Right?

Yvonne said...


Victoria said...

YAY! :)

Yamuna said...

Yes, so often. Especially when I was reading Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns. Brilliant book!

Victoria said...

Oh yeah? Cool :)