Tuesday 20 January 2009

And Also?

Happy Inauguration Day, USA.

I'm excited for you.


lexiloo said...

thanks! we're pretty excited too!

The Civilian said...

Thanks! It was a great speech. It's such a night and day difference listening to his masterful orations, and Bush's 'the google' and 'strategery.'

If you ever get bored with eating the cookie dough mix, roll on over to the Google and type in 'bushisms' they're great for a laugh.

Victoria said...

It's a good day Lexi!

Civilian, I can probably do that while eating cookie dough, right? ;)
And, yes, it was great to watch him (and the others) speak.

Tom H said...

Yes, but is this Dr King's dream?

I asked that question on my blog.

Victoria said...

Well, Tom, I certainly like to look on it as another step towards that. :)

dilling said...

me, too!