Monday 23 March 2009


Do any of you ever type dyslexically?

Because, more times than I can count, I find myself typing words backwards, or sometimes flipping the order of letters.

Just me?


FigJam said...

I just call my fingers really mean names and tell them to smarten up when that happens.

Erik Brown said...

Yes, I do, but that's becuase I really am dyslexic. All depends on how tired I am, how stressed I am, etc.

Una Voce Sola said...

All the time. All too often on simple words who have the majority of the letters near each other.

Anonymous said...

My weaknesses are "teh" and "keybaord" which I type far too often for my liking..

Jenn said...

Have the same problem! You're not alone!

Victoria said...

FigJam, do they ever pout when you're mean to them like that?

Thanks for that Erik, I find the brain endlessly interesting. Is typing easier than writing or about the same?

Una Voce Sola, sometimes I even spell my own name wrong!

Dominic, I like "teh" as a word though! :)

Thanks Jenn, I much prefer not being alone!