Tuesday 24 March 2009


I'm in kind of a different (I refrained from using the word "weird", yay me) headspace with regards to guys right now.

The guy I went on a couple of coffee dates with right now is out of town for a while so there's nothing new on that front.

I've fallen out of "he's perfect"-ness with the guy I thought was maybe meant by the Universe to be my husband.

I can't even be bothered wishing Huck would suddenly decide he wants to call.

Maybe I'm still just tired from the death plague, because lord knows that took a lot out of me, but I don't know. I kind of feel like I just can't be bothered with the whole wondering about guys thing right now.

It just somehow doesn't seem like that big a deal.


Ms Behaviour said...

You need a tray of brownies and a tall glass of milk. Oh wait, that's me. But I recommended it for you too! You can make gluten-free ones. This recipe seems to use regular household ingredients.


Ms Behaviour said...

Oh, this one looks good too.

However, I just realized that tapioca flour and brown rice flour may not be "regular" hh ingredients but you're on the wet coast so I'm sure they're close by :)

Victoria said...

Thanks EB :) I'm sure I can get my hands on some of them there flours!

Mark said...

I usually find that when I fall out of interest like that it's when the effort/reward has risen too high for too long. I take a break from caring and when I'm ready to try again I'm more likely to make things happen. But for now I can't think of better advice than brownies.

Planet Organic (Quadra/Mackenzie or somewhere on Douglas) is the best place I've found for novelty flours.

I love that everyone is just there with the gf recipes for you. You people rock!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mark. Fell into a complete lack of interest myself recently, to the point that I've almost resented it when somebody shows interest in me.

I figure it's life's way of telling you/me/people that it's time to take a break from the whole thing for a while :)

(By the way: Today's captcha is "bumscab", I kid you not..)

Victoria said...

Mark, Planet Organic is surprisingly hard to say fast! Thanks for the tip off (and tongue twister!) :) And yeah, you people rock!

Dominic, "bumscab"? I... don't even know what to say! May pass out from laughing too much though :)

And yes, maybe time for a break from stuff.