Wednesday 1 April 2009


One of my best friends was just told by her husband that he's leaving.

I can't figure out why I'm so upset when it's not my marriage, but it feels like my heart got broken.

Funny how life can shift on you without warning, eh?

And, no. I only wish this were an April Fool's day joke.


FigJam said...

My sympathies to your friend....the universe can really deliver a sucker punch sometimes.

Ms Behaviour said...

Yeah, I too have felt betrayed when the relationships I believed to be solid seem to fail without warning. It sucks.

Victoria said...

Thanks FigJam, I'll send on your thoughts.

EB, it does suck.

Anonymous said...

But... what are the chances it was without warning? Things might possibly have been building for a while, which has led to this.

Or, said husband has run off with the girl next door, which means your mate is better off without.

Pure speculation, and 100% guesswork. Still harsh for your mate though.

Ignore me, I'm in a bad mood 'cos I just broke me bed :-@

Victoria said...

You. Um. Broke your bed? Dare I ask?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be able to say it was during the throes of passion. But I'd be err, lying my arse off.

My room is quite narrow, and I vaulted off my bed in a hurry to answer the front door - only to hear a massive crunch. My heart sank. That's the second time.

The first time was more fun though ;-)

Victoria said...

Oh dear.

Well, at least the first time was more fun :)