Tuesday 25 August 2009


May I suggest that for anyone who's looking to make the scariest horror movie ever, you use the sound of a cat v/s racoon fight and then the noise that one of them makes after it's scared the other one off? Cuz seriously.

Beyond freaky.

I'd rather be faced with zombies than hear that again.

Hold me?

P.S. Momma racoons kind of purr with/to their babies, but it doesn't make up for the EVIL shriek.


A. Zombie said...

Urghh.. braains...

Victoria said...

Uh oh. Maybe I don't want to be faced by zombies either! Ack!

Dominic said...

There's no pleasing some people! ;o)

We used to get foxes screaming where I used to live. That's quite disconcerting, too..

Victoria said...


Hmmm, I'm not sure I want to know what that sounds like! Yikes

dilling said...

hahaha...not too long ago, my neighbour's siamese kitty tried to take on a raccoon in my front yard pond..........FRRRRRRRRRRREEEEAKKY
(tough kitty but seriously? city raccons? nothing scarier)

Victoria said...

Seriously! Gah!