Tuesday 7 December 2010


I still remember the last time I read a book that made me cry so much my pillow got soaked.

Fast forward nearly two years to last week when I finished Feed by Mira Grant, a book Sundry mentioned a while back.

I enjoyed the book, it was a good read and only gave me mild zombie nightmares. (I say that with some tongue in cheek as it was actually her more recent recommendation of a zombie based tv show that gave me the nightmares and no I'm not linking to it because I a) had to stop watching the pilot mid way through because I was so freaked out and b) only was able to watch the second episode by reading the episode recap first so I knew what was happening before it happened.)

But the ending and the loss at the end of the book left me bawling.

I won't say anything more except that if you like post-apocalyptic type books and/or zombie apocalyptic stories Feed is a good one.

You just might want tissues if you're as big a softy as I am.


Just Sayin... said...

I strongly recommend the following.

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.

It will be the fastest 600 pages you ever read. Although the ending is disappointing, it's not a waste of time.

I tend to read before I go to bed, and spent hours a night reading this book. Finished it in a few days. :)

TL said...

Weird, my blog post is about books today too. I have not read that one, but will add it to my to-read list.

Victoria said...

I read before bed too JS and if that's a good one I'll give it a try! :)

Books all round TL! ;)