Tuesday 2 August 2011

I Typed This All In One Breath So You Have To Read It Really Fast

We Waited by foundimagination
Um so I had a good weekend but I can't talk about my good weekend.

I mean I can talk about my good weekend, it's not like I *can't* talk about my good weekend, it's just that C-Dawg's moved this weekend and today too I guess because the weekend's over, but I helped her yesterday and will help her again today so my extra time for sitting and sorting through the spinning that is my brain isn't there.

So yes, I had a good weekend, and I want to tell you about it, but I don't have the time, well not today, but maybe tonight? I don't know, we'll just have to see but now I've given it a lot of buildup haven't I? So don't be too excited or anything, just ignore me really and pretend this post never happened, ok?

Ok. Cool.

How're you?


Just Sayin... said...

I read it fast like you were catching your breath or couldn't keep a straight thought.... it almost lands in a cliff hanger!

More more more!

Weekend at this end was good!
Surprisingly for how productive and busy I was, I manage to blog several times. weird how that happens.

Mrs. Wilson said...

My weekend ... wasn't as great. Ambulance. Hospital. Stupid gallstones. Fun!

Glad someone had a good weekend, though. :)

Victoria said...

Thanks JS, that's totally how it was supposed to sound! And good for you being bloggy productive! I..was not ;)

OH NO Mrs W!!! OH NO!!!!