Wednesday 26 October 2011

Me So Smart

Do you ever find yourself doing something that's so dumb you can't believe you're doing it, even at the time?


Remember last year when I was in that wedding for one of my best friends?

Well, we've both been doing our best to adjust to her new name. She's no longer Firstname Smith, she's now Firstname Jones and it probably took me a good six months to remember that.

Which only slightly helps to explain what I did yesterday.

I ran into someone, who in trying to remember my name said "Aren't you Firstname Smith?"

And I smiled and corrected them. "No, I'm Firstname Jones."

"NO! Wait, I'm not, she's my friend,she was Firstname Smith, my friend, but now she's Jones. Firstname Jones."

"Oh, and I'm Victoria." Ahem.

Because really, how do you recover from that?

How do you recover from correcting someone on your new name, only to then correct yourself because you actually weren't talking about your name at all.

Oh dear.


Kas said...

I have, on occasion, forgotten how to spell my name.


Dateafrenchman said...

I have forgotten my date of birth in the past. Or started with 198... only to remember it's not the right decade. I call it a space moment.

Victoria said...

That's awesome Kas! I feel better :)

A space moment Dateafrenchman, I must have been in outer space! ;)

kandijay said...

You = hilarious.

I usually only forget how old I am. I'm 33! No, wait, my best friend is 33, I'm 31!

Stephanie Hunter said...

I have given the wrong name before, and not quite realized it! I also, forget how old I am. I tend to automatically think I'm, I'm 32!
You aren't alone!

mythcalledlove said...

happens to the best of us! :)

Victoria said...

I'm not hilarious Kandijay, just bonkers! ;)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm 18 still Steph! (um...not so much)

Oh dear Myth!