Wednesday 14 November 2012


So now I kind of feel like I don't know what to say.  Or like I know what I want to say but I don't want to say it.

Which is a really uncomfortable feeling.

I hope I get over it soon.

Edited to add: Your comments on yesterday's posts helped a lot lot lot.  Thank you.  (As always)


Jonathan Beckett said...

I just empty my head when I have nothing to say - I'm good at saying nothing :)

Maybe I've just discovered why I keep getting in trouble for writing too much too :)

Victoria said...

Could be!

michelle said...

Be who you want to be - write what you want to write - life changes, we change and we should be able to come to our blogs, our space and be whatever we need to be in that moment. When I first got divorced 2.5 years ago, I felt free, like a weight was lifted off my shoulder, I was happy to explore on my own - travel on my own, support myself in every single way.

Now 2.5 years later it can be lonely, hard at times, and frustrating. Like you I hope this flips around but until then, we should both stay authentic!

Victoria said...

That's very true Michelle. Hugs to you, I hope things flip for you too!