Friday 3 July 2015


I had just sat down to write out this post that came into my head and I put on some music (which I don't normally do but I just discovered Imagine Dragons, so I'm given them a listen) and I got distracted by wanting to do something and so I put my computer aside but then I lost the urge and got distracted by something else and then by the time I came back to typing, I'd forgotten what it was exactly that I'd sat myself down to write about.

It was something along the lines of feeling on the edge of something.

Like if I could just lean a little further, or take a bigger bite or something that I just can't put my finger on the how of it...?  It would be good.  Not simple, necessarily, but a good, positive something I want to be or feel or know or something.

You know?

Just wanting to lean into it enough that the scales will tip into what's just right there.


Jason Langlois said...

I hope you have a fabulous weekend, full of leaning in and doing things you enjoy and entirely not melting into a pile of goo.

Victoria said...

You too. Especially with the melting!