Friday 13 November 2015

Look, It's A Baby Deer Butt

I've tried, I really have, to take time in those neutral or positive moments to sit and write but it seems whenever I have the time and inclination to write all I am is angry or whiny or sad and I just don't want to be writing that sh*t down right now.

I've been painting a lot.  Creating.  I have other things going on that I still haven't talked about here.  Hint... I don't talk about work.... hint.... I may have to.

I watched the Fear of the Walking Dead. (Spin off... prequel to The Walking Dead) Liked it.  But, as often happens when an entire season is out, now I miss the characters.  Had a dream about two of them last night.  Go figure.  Brain wants to know more.  Short season too.  British style.

The gentleman who bought a print of my art this summer (assuming I mentioned that?) wants to buy another so I should actually stop typing and go find a shipping container... tube... thing.

Finding myself needing a balance between resting and distracting myself from what's going on and dealing with it as best I can.  And trying to be gentle with myself.

Some days are better than others.  As are some moments.

I found a good enough moment here for this. 

Hope you have great weekends.


Anne Roy said...

Prints of your art? How did I miss this?

Are you will to post to us a example of your work? The medium you use etc.?

You constantly surprise us.

Anne in Cambridge

Victoria said...

Oh... I, uh... guess I never mentioned it before?

This stuff that this fellow likes is pretty abstract. Ok, utterly abstract. One was pastels and this one was a mix of ink and photographs. I'm currently working through a mild obsession with ink and acrylics and whatever else I decide to throw in there.

I suppose I could make something and upload it yeah... I put my "work" out under (yet another) another pseudonym.... go figure.