Monday 18 April 2016

Woah, Dude

I never really know with my brain, you know?  But last night, there was an issue with my pillow.

I woke up (probably should say "woke up" because I wouldn't say I was awake awake, but I was somewhat awake and awake enough to remember it now) and my pillow was too hot.

Like, hot to the touch too hot so I reached around to turn off the heating.  Because it was a heated pillow, you see.  (According to my brain.)

So, still half asleep, I could feel with my hand (and my head presumably) that my pillow was too hot (I have no idea if it was actually warm.... could have been I suppose?  Did I have a fever?  I dunno!) so I tried to turn it off.  Reached through the pillowcase opening and unzipped the inner liner and felt around for the switch. 

I remember being slightly irritated that the switch wasn't there because that's where the switch was, I was pretty sure, but I was also too tired/sleepy to wake up any further to find the actual off switch so I decided to just leave it (I don't know, maybe there was part of my brain that said uh, yeah, you don't have a heated pillow you know) and zip things back up and roll over to the other pillow, which clearly wasn't a heated pillow.

So yeah.  My pillow got too hot.  Pretty sure it actually was warm?  I tried to turn it off.  Because heated.


My brain.  I tells ya.


Elliott said...

I wake up regularly to flip my pillow over so the cool side is up. Not a fan of warm feeling pillows, especially as it gets warmer outside.

While I don't remember ever trying to turn my pillow off, I completely understand your brain's dislike for warm pillows.

Victoria said...

I've never noticed pillow heat before! (still not sure if I actually did?)

Jason Langlois said...

I'm another pillow flipper (and switcher - I have two pillow I often swap between during the night apparently, based on my using one when I go to bed and waking up with the other under my head), so I think there's definitely a pillow heat thing going on.

Victoria said...

Go figure! :)