Thursday 21 April 2016

Yeah, But Little Buddy, We Had A Deal

Usually when I see a spider in my place I gently escort them out.  No killing, just... me trying not to get too close while trying not to hurt them while getting them outside.

Either out a window (hope the fall doesn't hurt!) or out the door into the hallway to become someone else's problem.

Point is, I don't let spiders hang out in my place.  Yes, I know they're good guys but ... *shiver*

Well, for some reason, the other week, I saw a spider on my ceiling and decided he could stay.

"You can stay, little buddy," I said, "but just stay in that spot, ok?"

And for a while he was pretty good.

But now he's started adventuring a bit and I don't know what to do!!  I don't want to have to watch to see if he's going to jump on my head or wander into another room.

I also have no idea how long spiders die, or really, what I'll do if/when I find he has.

But yeah, my spider guest is wandering around a bit more than I'd like.

It's maybe giving me the heeby jeebies just a little.


Jason Langlois said...

You are braver than I am.

Victoria said...

I've never done this before!!!!

Also, I really really regretted it the other night when I couldn't see him and then felt something crawling on me.

(Spoiler alert: long hair can be mean when you're suspiciously looking for your spider buddy!)